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Self-Esteem / Exploration

Issues we work with: Self-Esteem / Exploration

Low Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is a broad term that refers to the way we measure and gauge our own sense of worthiness. Our responses to the perceptions of others can often lead to a negative self-image or a low self-belief.

Poor self-esteem can be linked to a variety of factors including past social experience, and the environment of the individual. It can manifest at any age and can hinder individuals from creating and managing relationships, careers, and other aspects of life. It can lead to a diminished self-worth and difficulties in developing confidence.


When you experience a low self-esteem you tend to magnify your own flaws and imperfections. This can result in persistent and destructive negative self-perception as well as feelings of powerlessness, inadequacy, embarrassment, and anger towards oneself.  These feelings can interfere with life quite profoundly.

Psychotherapy is an excellent way to gain a clear internal perspective and to move toward self-acceptance. With therapy and counselling, individuals suffering from poor self-esteem can learn to challenge false or distorted perceptions and get started on the route to developing confidence. Our psychologists are armed with proven therapeutic approaches that are crafted to bolster  a stronger sense of self.

Psychologist specialising in Self-Esteem / Exploration

General Psychologist
Counselling Psychotherapist | Teacher & Educator
Clinical Psychologist
Clinical Psychologist
Associate Professor and Psychologist
Clinical Psychologist
Accredited Mental Health Social Worker
Counselling Psychologist