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Mentally Healthy Workplaces

Nexus Psychology Blog

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July 7, 2022
Nexus Psychology | Melbourne Psychologist | Parents

We are just over half way through the third year of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Nexus Employee Assistance Programs have proved to be an important focus for many organizations in developing and maintaining a mentally healthy workplace. Nexus Psychology continues to prioritise employees and we make a commitment to provide the highest quality counselling services offered in a timely manner.

Below are links to poster representations of mental health considerations for business owners and managers around current and emerging workplace challenges.

There are also a few relevant guides developed by the National Mental Health Commission in conjunction with the Mentally Healthy Workplace Alliance to support the mental health and wellbeing of Australian workers.

Released in 2022 The Mentally Healthy Workplaces and COVID-19: Emerging Issues series provides organisations with expert insights and tips to address key challenges impacting workplace mental health. The guides also connect organisations to further sources of information and support. 

The series includes: 

Helping people return to workplaces after extended periods working at home during COVID-19   

Strategies to support wellbeing of decision makers through periods of sustained pressure     

Identifying and managing fatigue and burnout during COVID-19   

The hidden impact of COVID-19 and sleep 

Creating mentally healthy hybrid teams in the recovery from COVID-19   

Responding to varied COVID-19 concerns in the workplace     

Supporting people experiencing post-COVID-19 syndrome


If you would like to discuss any aspect regarding ways to support the mental health of your staff, please feel free to call our office on 9500 0751 and arrange a call back from our director – Dori Kabillo. 

All materials were sourced from National Mental Health Commission in conjunction with the Mentally Healthy Workplace Alliance
Melbourne Counselling Psychologist Dori Kabillo|Nexus Psychology
Melbourne Counselling Psychologist Dori Kabillo|Nexus Psychology

Dori Kabillo

Director / Psychologist

Dori is a highly experienced psychologist who also specializes in couple therapy.

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