Barbara Eppingstall
I began my career in social welfare work and returned to study at Monash University to become a psychologist. After completing my Masters in Psychology (Counselling) I remained with Monash for 14 years in research and teaching. My research focused on aged mental health including dementia, depression and anxiety. I also taught and supervised students. While my years in research were fulfilling, I was keen to commence private work and so in 2012 I started with Nexus Psychology.
My private work has also been a very rewarding experience – assisting clients to realise their potential, utilising their inner strengths and resources to create the changes they want to achieve. I too have continued to build upon my skills to ensure clients are receiving the most appropriate therapy. This has involved ongoing training in various therapies and techniques.
I was fortunate to work for 4 years (2015 – 2019) providing gut focused psychological therapy and gut directed hypnotherapy for people experiencing gastrointestinal issues (e.g. Irritable Bowel Syndrome). It was during this period that I observed the remarkable changes and benefits through the use of hypnosis. With that knowledge and because of a long interest in the area of obesity, weight management and health related illnesses, I extended my training to include weight management therapy* (please see below). I’m now very pleased to provide Virtual Gastric Band hypnosis for those people who have had problems in managing their weight due to over-eating. Note the program does not involve dieting, rather a person becomes satisfied with eating smaller amounts of food as well as introducing further positive lifestyle changes. More recently, I have introduced additional techniques/strategies (including tapping/EFT) to help empower people so that they have further tools to realise their goals, to regain and maintain control of their lives and eating behaviours.
Weight Management Program:
Please note that this program is Not about Dieting
Includes: Assessment/suitability for Virtual Gastric Band program (VGB)
- Introduction to VGB and 8 Golden Rules to effective weight loss
- 4 – 6 weeks of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, VGB program involving hypnosis to enable key psychological & behavioural changes
- Additional health related issues covered in program (e.g. cravings, nutrition, IBS) along with the use of other approaches and techniques (including tapping or EFT)
Research Publications:
- Garland, K., Beer, E., Eppingstall, B. & O’Connor, D. (2007). A Comparison of Two Treatments of Agitated Behavior in Nursing Home Residents with Dementia: Simulated Family Presence and Preferred Music. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 15, (6), 514-521
- O’Connor, D., Gardner, B., Eppingstall, B. & Tofler, D. (2010). Cognition in elderly patients receiving unilateral and bilateral electroconvulsive therapy: A prospective, naturalistic comparison. Journal of Affective Disorders, 124 (3), 235-240.
- van der Ploeg, E., Eppingstall, B. & O’Connor, D. (2010). The study protocol of a blinded randomised-controlled cross-over trial of lavender oil as a treatment of behavioural symptoms in dementia. BMC Geriatrics, 10, 49.
- Runci SJ, Eppingstall BE & O’Connor DW (2012). A comparison of verbal communication and psychiatric medication use by Greek and Italian residents with dementia in Australian ethno-specific and mainstream aged care facilities. International Psychogeriatrics, 24(5), 733-741.
- van der Ploeg E., Camp CJ. , Eppingstall B., Runci S. & O’Connor D. (2012) The study protocol of a cluster-randomised controlled trial of family-mediated personalised activities for nursing home residents with dementia. BMC Geriatrics. 12:2,
- O’Connor D., Eppingstall B., Taffe J. & van der Ploeg ES. (2013). A randomized, controlled cross-over trial of dermally-applied lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) oil as a treatment of agitated behaviour in dementia. BMC Complementary & Alternative Medicine. 13:315.
- van der Ploeg ES., Eppingstall B., Camp C., Runci S. , Taffe J. & O’Connor D. (2013). A randomized crossover trial to study the effect of personalized, one-to-one interaction using Montessori-based activities on agitation, affect, and engagement in nursing home residents with Dementia. International Psychogeriatrics. 25(4):565-75.
- Runci S., Eppingstall B., van der Ploeg E. & O’Connor DW. (2014). Comparison of family satisfaction in Australian ethno-specific and mainstream aged care facilities. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 40(4):54-63.
- Davison T.E., Eppingstall B., Runci SJ. & O’Connor DW. (2015). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for older adults residing in long term care facilities: A pilot trial (submitted)
Clients I work with:
Issues I work with:
Additional Specialty Issues:
Cognitive concerns (e.g. dementia)
Therapeutic Approaches I use:
Additional Specialty Approaches:
- Rapid Exposure Tapping & Emotional Freedom Technique
Blog contributions by Barbara Eppingstall
- Adam Blanch
- Aisha Brydon
- Amelia Twiss
- Ann Locarnini
- Annette Marlow
- Barbara Eppingstall
- Boyd Cowley
- Celina Umow
- Chloe Salvaris
- Dani Harrison
- Debbie Lewis
- Dori Kabillo
- Harry Constantinou
- John Vilianiotis
- Katherine Levi
- Lara Hanson
- Lara Malobrodski
- Lesley Strous
- Linnea Reddie
- Lucy Romano
- Lynn Ng
- Maria Strom
- Mariela Rossi
- Martin Strom
- Natalie Anker Cohen
- Nicholas Kerr
- Owen Weatherley
- Rebecca Albeck
- Renee Kharsas
- Richard Hulme
- Rohan Borschmann
- Roni Kabillo
- Ruth Kennedy
- Samantha Beeken
- Vanessa Poliness
- Vera Fiorello
- Veronica Buk
- Yulia Bondarenko
About Us
Want some more information or to make an appointment to see one of our Psychologists? Contact us and we can chat over the phone about what to expect from counselling and your next steps.