Chloe Salvaris
Chloe takes a client-centred approach and tailors evidence-based psychological treatments to the needs of the individual. Sessions with Chloe provide a warm and safe environment for clients to explore their thoughts, emotions, and behavioural patterns, and to collaboratively implement strategies to achieve positive therapeutic changes. Throughout the therapy journey, Chloe works together with her clients to help them to reduce emotional suffering, feel more empowered, and to take active steps towards the life they want to be living.
Chloe has delivered psychological care for clients with a broad range of psychological issues in individual and group-based programs within community and private mental health services, schools, universities, and hospitals. She has specialist experience in anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and sleep issues.
Clients I work with:
Issues I work with:
Therapeutic Approaches I use:
- Salvaris, Chloe A., Wade, Catherine, Galea, Samantha, Yap, Marie B. H., & Lawrence, Katherine A. (2022). Children’s Perspectives of an Enhanced Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Child–Parent Dyads with Anxiety Disorders. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpra.2022.02.023
- Salvaris, Chloe A., Galea, Samantha, Yap, Marie B. H., & Lawrence, Katherine A. (2022). Enhanced Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Anxiety Disorders in Children of Clinically Anxious Parents: Two Case Studies. Clinical Case Studies, 21(5), 396–418. https://doi.org/10.1177/15346501221078979
- Salvaris, Chloe A., Lawrence, Katherine A. (2021). Enhanced CBT for Child Anxiety Disorders Treatment Manual 2021. Monash University. Online resource. https://doi.org/10.26180/15058317
- Galea*, Samantha, Salvaris*, Chloe A., Yap, Marie B. H., Norton, Peter J., & Lawrence, Katherine A. (2021). Feasibility and acceptability of an enhanced cognitive behavioural therapy programme for parent-child dyads with anxiety disorders: a mixed-methods pilot trial protocol. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 7(1), 109–109. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40814-021-00846-8
- Joint first authors
- Galea, Samantha, Wade, Catherine, Salvaris, Chloe A., Yap, Marie B. H., & Lawrence, Katherine A. (2022). Acceptability of an enhanced transdiagnostic CBT intervention for adults with anxiety disorders who are parenting an anxious child. Clinical Psychologist (Australian Psychological Society), 26(2), 141–155. https://doi.org/10.1080/13284207.2022.2055965
- Marker, Isabella, Salvaris, Chloe A., Thompson, Emma M., Tolliday, Thomas, & Norton, Peter J. (2019). Client Motivation and Engagement in Transdiagnostic Group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety Disorders: Predictors and Outcomes. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 43(5), 819–833. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10608-019-10014-1
- Adam Blanch
- Aisha Brydon
- Amelia Twiss
- Ann Locarnini
- Annette Marlow
- Barbara Eppingstall
- Boyd Cowley
- Celina Umow
- Chloe Salvaris
- Dani Harrison
- Debbie Lewis
- Dori Kabillo
- Harry Constantinou
- John Vilianiotis
- Katherine Levi
- Lara Hanson
- Lara Malobrodski
- Lesley Strous
- Linnea Reddie
- Lucy Romano
- Lynn Ng
- Maria Strom
- Mariela Rossi
- Martin Strom
- Natalie Anker Cohen
- Nicholas Kerr
- Owen Weatherley
- Rebecca Albeck
- Renee Kharsas
- Richard Hulme
- Rohan Borschmann
- Roni Kabillo
- Ruth Kennedy
- Samantha Beeken
- Vanessa Poliness
- Vera Fiorello
- Veronica Buk
- Yulia Bondarenko
About Us
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