John Vilianiotis
John has previously worked as a Principal Consultant, a General Manager, as well as in private practice. John has worked with client organisations across all industries and sectors and travels nationally and internationally to deliver assignments and projects for a range of clients.
He brings substantial experience as a specialist consulting psychologist, working with senior executives and their teams across all industries, to increase organisational effectiveness through targeted interventions and programs including, the design, development and facilitation of mental health and wellbeing workshops and programs.
John’s expertise includes:
- Significant experience in critical incident response / management and trauma counselling.
- Expertise in consulting, understanding client needs and developing targeted solutions.
- Mental Health Counselling
- Career Management & Transition
- Psychometric Assessment, Team & Organisational Assessment and Reporting
- Coaching services
- EAP programs
- Leadership and Organisational Development
- MBA (currently completing); Australian Institute Management
- Master of Arts – Research; The University of Melbourne
- Postgraduate Diploma Arts – History & Philosophy of Science; The University of Melbourne
- Postgraduate Diploma Applied Psychology; Swinburne University
- Bachelor of Science – Double major Psychology; The University of Melbourne
Career Guidance Assessment:
- A career guidance assessment typically involves assessing an individuals:
- Values and Interests: Using the Strong Interest Inventory
- Personality and Work Style: Using the OPQ or WAVE Leadership Styles
- Cognitive Abilities: Using Verbal, Numerical and Abstract Reasoning Tests
- Comprehensive Career Guidance Integrative Report
Clients I work with:
Issues I work with:
Therapeutic Approaches I use:
- Adam Blanch
- Aisha Brydon
- Amelia Twiss
- Ann Locarnini
- Annette Marlow
- Barbara Eppingstall
- Boyd Cowley
- Celina Umow
- Chloe Salvaris
- Dani Harrison
- Debbie Lewis
- Dori Kabillo
- Harry Constantinou
- John Vilianiotis
- Katherine Levi
- Lara Hanson
- Lara Malobrodski
- Lesley Strous
- Linnea Reddie
- Lucy Romano
- Lynn Ng
- Maria Strom
- Mariela Rossi
- Martin Strom
- Natalie Anker Cohen
- Nicholas Kerr
- Owen Weatherley
- Rebecca Albeck
- Renee Kharsas
- Richard Hulme
- Rohan Borschmann
- Roni Kabillo
- Ruth Kennedy
- Samantha Beeken
- Vanessa Poliness
- Vera Fiorello
- Veronica Buk
- Yulia Bondarenko
About Us
Want some more information or to make an appointment to see one of our Psychologists? Contact us and we can chat over the phone about what to expect from counselling and your next steps.