Maria Strom
I use an investigative approach with the client to find out what they need to be able to support themselves emotionally and practically so that they can create a life that is in tune with what they really want. My underlying framework is CBT, for analysis and understanding, as well as for initiating the changes needed. I draw from my 20+ years of experience with mindfulness to work with difficult emotions and creating better relationship to thoughts. Also, I use self-compassion methods to heal the inner critic and creating a self-to-self relationship that is truly supportive so that the client can lead a life that is driven by their own values.
I am a CBT psychologist who has worked both clinically and with organisations. I am also specialised in mindfulness-based inventions and I am a teacher in Mindful Self-compassion (MSC) and Corporate Based Mindfulness Training (CBMT). I have worked as a therapist many years in a private psychology clinic, at a clinic for work related stress and chronic fatigue, as well as at a GPs office. Also, I have worked as an organizational consultant teaching mindfulness to leaders and co-workers at several large companies.
Clients I work with:
Issues I work with:
Therapeutic Approaches I use:
- Adam Blanch
- Aisha Brydon
- Amelia Twiss
- Ann Locarnini
- Annette Marlow
- Barbara Eppingstall
- Boyd Cowley
- Celina Umow
- Chloe Salvaris
- Dani Harrison
- Debbie Lewis
- Dori Kabillo
- Harry Constantinou
- John Vilianiotis
- Katherine Levi
- Lara Hanson
- Lara Malobrodski
- Lesley Strous
- Linnea Reddie
- Lucy Romano
- Lynn Ng
- Maria Strom
- Mariela Rossi
- Martin Strom
- Natalie Anker Cohen
- Nicholas Kerr
- Owen Weatherley
- Rebecca Albeck
- Renee Kharsas
- Richard Hulme
- Rohan Borschmann
- Roni Kabillo
- Ruth Kennedy
- Samantha Beeken
- Vanessa Poliness
- Vera Fiorello
- Veronica Buk
- Yulia Bondarenko
About Us
Want some more information or to make an appointment to see one of our Psychologists? Contact us and we can chat over the phone about what to expect from counselling and your next steps.