Rohan Borschmann
A former prison psychologist, Rohan has a particular interest in self-harm and substance use. He has a clinical doctorate in psychology and a PhD in psychiatry from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King’s College in London, UK. Rohan has experience working in the public and private sectors in direct service provision, secondary consultation, research, health promotion and community education. He has conducted research in Australia, Canada and the UK, and has presented his research findings at conferences in Brazil, Italy, the USA, the UK, South Africa, Malaysia, Canada, Fiji, and Australia. Rohan has co-authored more than 120 peer- reviewed publications and has secured more than $15 million in competitive funding, including a 4-year Early Career Fellowship from the NHMRC to examine suicide and self-harm in young people. He is a member of the International Federation of Psychiatric Epidemiology, the Society for Mental Health Research (SMHR) and the Australian Psychological Society. In 2015 he was named the SMHR’s Early Career Researcher of the Year, and in 2018 he was awarded the SMHR’s Rising Star Award. This award is in recognition of SMHR researchers whose work is beginning to make a significant impact on the national and international scene, reflecting scientific excellence and public health impact.
Rohan Borschmann Media Links
- The confronting truth we need to face up to – News.com.au 16 Jul. 2014
- Prison study reveals high rate of self-harm after release and mental health failures – TheGuardian.com 11 Mar. 2017
- Worn out modern Mums are returning to their pre-baby drinking habits quicker than their predecessors – Channel 9 Story
- Mothers return to pre-pregnancy drinking within five years: study – Sydney Morning Herald
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Therapeutic Approaches I use:
- Borschmann, R, Mundy, LK, Canterford, L, Moreno-Betancur, M, Moran, PA, Viner, RM, Allen, NB, Degenhardt, L, Kosoloa, S, Fedyzsyn, I, Patton, GC. (2020). Self-harm in primary school-aged children: prospective cohort study. PLOS ONE (in press).
- Borschmann, R, Janca, E, Carter, A, Willoughby, M, Fazel, S, Hughes, N, Patton, GC, Sawyer, SM, Love, AD, Puljević, C, Stockings, E, Hill, N, Hocking, J, Robinson, J, Snow, K, Kinner, SA. (2020). The health of adolescents in detention: a global scoping review. The Lancet Public Health, 5(2), pp.e114-126.
- Borschmann, R, Mendes, MM, Young, JT, Andreoli, SB, Love, A, Kinner, SA. (2020). Risk factors for dual diagnosis among incarcerated adults: a cross-cultural study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (in press).
- Borschmann, R, Craig, S, Hiscock, H. (2020). Reducing suicide after hospital-treated self-harm in young people (Comment). The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health (in press).
- Borschmann, R, Moran, P. (2020). Treating self-harm in young people (Comment). EClinicalMedicine, (in press).
- Borschmann, R, Kinner, SA. (2019). Responding to the rising prevalence of self-harm (Comment). The Lancet Psychiatry; http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S2215-0366(19)30210-X.
- Borschmann R, Tibble H, Spittal MJ, Preen D, Pirkis J, Larney S, Rosen DL, Young, J, Love, A, Altice FL, Binswanger IA, Bukten A, Butler T, Chang Z, Chen CY, Clausen T, Christensen P, Culbert, G, Degengardt L, Dirkzwager AJE, Dolan K, Fazel S, Fischbacher C, Giles M, Graham L, Harding D, Huang YF, Huber F, Karaminia A, Keen, C, Kouyoumdjian FG, Lim S, Møller L, Moniruzzaman A, Morenoff J, O’Moore E, Pizzicato LN, Pratt D, Proescholdbell SK, Ranapurwala SI, Shanahan ME, Shaw J, Somers J, Spaulding A, Stern MF, Viner KM, Wang N, Willoughby M, Kinner, SA. (2019). The Mortality After Release from Incarceration Consortium (MARIC): Protocol for a multi-national, individual participant data meta-analysis. International Journal of Population Data Science, 5(1), 6-13.
- Borschmann, R, Becker, D, Spry, E, Youssef, G, Olsson, C, Hutchinson, D, Silins, E, Boden, J, Betancur, M, Najman, J, Romaniuk, H, Horwood, J, Patton, G. (2019). Alcohol and parenthood: An integrative data analysis of the effects of transition to parenthood in three Australasian cohorts. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 197, 326-334.
- Borschmann, R, Marino, J. (2018). Sexual identity and mental health in young people: An opportunity to reduce health inequity (Comment). The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, 3(2), 57-59.
- Borschmann, R*, Molyneaux, E*, Spry, E, Moran, P, Olsson, C, Howard, L, MacDonald, JA, Brown, S, Patton, G. (2018). Pre-conception self-harm, maternal mental health and mother-infant bonding problems: a 20-year prospective cohort study. Psychological Medicine, 49(16), 2727-2735.
- Borschmann, R, Stark, P, Chidambaram, P, Sawyer, S. (2018). The risk profile of adolescents admitted to hospital for suicidal behaviour in Melbourne, Australia. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, doi:10.1111/jpc.13938.
- Borschmann, R, Becker, D, Coffey, C, Spry, E, Moreno-Betancur, M, Moran, P, Patton, G. (2017). Twenty-year outcomes in adolescents who self-harm: a population-based cohort study. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, 1(3), 195-202.Borschmann, R, Young, JT, Moran, P, Spittal, MJ, Snow, K, Mok, K, Kinner, SA. (2017). The accuracy and predictive value of incarcerated adults’ accounts of their self-harm histories: findings from an Australian data linkage study. CMAJ Open, 5(3): E694–E701.
- Borschmann, R, Young, JT, Moran, P, Carroll, M, Heffernan, E, Spittal, MJ, Thomas, E, Mok, K, Kinner, SA. (2017). Ambulance attendances resulting from self-harm in adults following release from prison: findings from a prospective data linkage study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, doi:10.1007/s00127-017-1383-z.
- Borschmann, R, Young, JT, Moran, P, Spittal, MJ, Kinner, SA. (2017). Self-harm in the criminal justice system: A public health opportunity (Comment). The Lancet Public Health, 3(1), e10-11, https://doi.org/10.1016/S2468-2667(17)30243-8.
- Borschmann, R, Patton, GC. (2017). The outcomes of adolescent mental disorders. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 137, 3-5.
- Borschmann, R, Oram, S, Kinner, S, Dutta, R, Howard, L, Zimmerman, C. (2016). Self-harm in adult victims of human trafficking accessing secondary mental health services. Psychiatric Services, 68(2), 207-210.
- Borschmann, R, Coffey, C, Moran, P, Hearps, S, Degenhardt, L, Kinner, S, Patton, G. (2014). Self-harm in young offenders. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 44(6), 641-652.
- Borschmann, R. & Henderson, C. (2014). Campaigns to reduce mental illness stigma in Europe: a scoping review. Die Psychiatrie, 11, 43-50.
- Borschmann, R, Khalifeh, H, Trevillion, K, Howard, L, & Moran, P. (2014). Screening programmes for helping mental health professionals to detect violent victimisation in people with severe mental illness (protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 3, Art. No.: CD011042. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD011042.
- Borschmann, R, Patterson, S, Poovendran, D, Wilson, D, Weaver, T. (2014). Influences on recruitment to randomised controlled trials in mental health settings in England: a national cross-sectional survey of clinical studies officers working for the Mental Health Research Network. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 14:23.
- Borschmann, R., Trevillion, K., Henderson, C., Rose, D., Szmukler, G., Moran, P. (2013). Advance statements for people with borderline personality disorder: a qualitative study of service users’ treatment preferences during future crises. Psychiatric Services, 65(6), 802-807.
- Borschmann, R, Barrett, B, Hellier, JM, Byford, S, Henderson, C, Rose, D, Slade, M, Sutherby, K, Szmukler, G, Thornicroft, G, Hogg, J, & Moran, P. (2013). Randomised controlled trial of joint crisis plans for people with borderline personality disorder: feasibility and outcomes. British Journal of Psychiatry, 202, 357-364.
- Borschmann, R., Henderson, C., Hogg, J., Phillips, R, & Moran, P. (2012). Crisis interventions for people with borderline personality disorder (review). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 6. Art. No.: CD009353. doi: 10.1002/ 14651858.CD009353.pub2.
- Borschmann, R., Lines, K., & Cottrell, D. (2012). Sun-protective behaviour, optimism bias and the transtheoretical model of behaviour change. Australian Journal of Psychology, 64(4), 181-188.
- Borschmann, R., Hogg, J., Phillips, R, & Moran, P. (2011). Measuring self-harm in adults: a systematic review. European Psychiatry, 27, 176-180.
- Borschmann, R. & Moran, P. (2011). Crisis management in borderline personality disorder. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 57(1), 18-20.
- Borschmann, R., Henderson, C., Hogg, J., Phillips, R, & Moran, P. (2011). Crisis interventions for people with borderline personality disorder (protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 10. Art. No.: CD009353. doi: 10.1002/14651858.
- Borschmann, R, Gillard, S, Turner, K, Chambers, M, & O’Brien, A. (2010). Section 136 of the Mental Health Act: A new literature review. Medicine, Science and the Law, 50, 34-39.
- Borschmann, R, Gillard, S, Turner, K, Lovell, K, Goodrich-Purnell, N, & Chambers, M. (2010). Demographic and referral patterns of people detained under Section 136 of the Mental Health Act (1983) in a south London Mental Health Trust from 2005-2008. Medicine, Science and the Law, 50, 15-18.
- Borschmann, R. & Cottrell, D. (2009). Developing the Readiness to Alter Sun-Protective Behaviour questionnaire (RASP-B). Cancer Epidemiology, 33, 451-462.
- Hedrick, K, Armstrong, G, Coffey, G, Borschmann, R. (2020). Temporal variations in the distribution of self-harm episodes and methods used across the Australian asylum seeker population: An observational study. PLOS Medicine, 17(8), e1003235.
- Hedrick, K, Armstrong, G, Coffey, G, Borschmann, R. (2020). An evaluation of the quality of self-harm incident reporting across the Australian asylum seeker population according to World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. BMC Psychiatry (in press).
- Hedrick, K, Armstrong, G, Coffey, G, Borschmann, R. (2020). Self-harm among asylum seekers in Australian onshore immigration detention: How incidence rates vary by held detention type. BMC Public Health, 20, 592.
- Hedrick, K, Armstrong, G, Borschmann, R. (2019). Self-harm among asylum seekers in Australian immigration detention (Letter). The Lancet Public Health (in press).
- Hedrick, K, Armstrong, G, Coffey, G, Borschmann, R. (2019). Self-harm in the Australian asylum seeker population: A national records-based study. SSM – Population Health, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssmph.2019.100452.
- Hettiarachchi, L, Kinner, SA, Tibble, H, Borschmann, R. (2018.) Self-harm among young people detained in the youth justice system in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; Special Edition: “Advances in Suicide Research”, 15, 209; doi:10.3390/ijerph15020209.
- Butler, A, Young, JT, Kinner, SA, Borschmann, R. (2018). Self-harm and suicidal behaviour among incarcerated adults in the Australian Capital Territory. Health & Justice, 6, 13-18.
- Kinner, SA, Spittal, MJ, Borschmann, R. (2017). Suicide and the criminal justice system: A more complete picture (Comment). The Lancet Psychiatry, 5(2), 106.
- Nwaopara, AU, Obizeke, OO, Ziba, F, Borschmann, R. (2016). Public health aspects of mental health care: Implications and risks in a State-owned Southern Nigerian Psychiatric hospital. International Journal of Community Research, 5(1), 22-30.
- Winstock, A, Lawn, W, DeLuca, P, Borschmann, R. (2014). Methoxetamine: An early report on the motivations for use, effect profile and prevalence of use in a UK clubbing sample. Drug and Alcohol Review, doi: 10.1111/dar.12259.
- Winstock, A, Kaar, S, Borschmann, R. (2014). Dimethyltryptamine (DMT): Prevalence, user characteristics and abuse liability in a large global sample. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 28(1), 49-54.
- Chambers, M, Gillard, S, Turner, K, Lovell, K, Goodrich-Purnell, N, & Borschmann, R. (2012). Evaluation of an educational practice development programme for staff working in mental health inpatient environments. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 20, 362-373.
- Patterson, S., Mairs, H., & Borschmann, R. (2011). Successful recruitment to trials: a phased approach to opening gates and building bridges. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 11, 73-78.
Co-author papers: Aggarwal, S, Borschmann, R, Patton, GC. (2021). Tackling stigma in self-harm and suicide in the young (Comment). The Lancet Public Health (in press).
- Keen, C, Foulds, J, Willoughby, M, Newton-Howes, G, Knight, J, Fazel, S, Borschmann, R, Kinner, SA, Young, JT. (2021). Antidepressant use and interpersonal violence perpetration: a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open (in press).
- Willoughby, M, Young, J, Spittal, M, Borschmann, R, Janca, E, Kinner, SA. (2021). Violence-related deaths among people released from incarceration: protocol for a systematic review. BMJ Open (in press).
- Kavanagh, BE, Gwini, S, Pasco, JA, Stuart, AL, Quirk, SE, Gaston, J, Holloway-Kew, KL, Turner, A, Berk, M, Dean, OM, Chanen, A, Koivumaa-Honkanen, H, Borschmann, R, Williams, LJ. (2021). Health service utilisation among women with mental state and personality disorders. Frontiers in Global Women’s Health (in press).
- Hedrick, K, Borschmann, R. (2021). Addressing self-harm among detained asylum seekers in Australia during the COVID-19 pandemic. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health (in press).
- Hedrick, K, Borschmann, R. (2020). Self-harm in immigration detention has risen sharply. Here are 6 ways to address this health crisis. The Conversation (in press).
- Kinner, SA, Borschmann, R. (2020). Polysocial risk scores for assessing social determinants of health. JAMA, 324(16), 1680-1681.
- Young, JT, Borschmann, R, Heffernan, E, Spittal, MJ, Brophy, L, Preen, D, Ogloff, JRP, Moran, P, Armstrong, G, Kinner, SA. (2020). Contact with mental health services after acute care for self-harm among adults released from prison: A prospective data linkage study. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior (in press).
- Keen, C, Kinner, SA. Borschmann, R, Young, JT. (2020). Comparing the predictive capability of self-report and medically-verified non-fatal overdose in adults released from prison: a prospective data linkage study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence (in press).
- Summers, P, O’Loughlin, R, O’Donnell, S, Borschmann, R, Carlin, J, Hiscock, H. (2020). Repeated presentation of children and adolescents to the emergency department following self-harm: A retrospective audit of hospital data. Emergency Medicine Australasia (in press).
- Azzopardi, P, Willenberg, L, Wulan, N, Devaera, Y, Medise, B, Riyanti, A, Ansiardi, A, Sawyer, S, Wiguna, T, Kaligis, F, Fisher, J, Tran, T, Agius, P, Borschmann, R, Brown, A, Cini, K, Clifford, S, Kennedy, E, Pedrana, A, Pham, M, Wake, M, Zimmet, P, Durrant, K, Wiweko, B, Luchters, S. (2020). Direct assessment of mental health and metabolic syndrome amongst adolescents in Indonesia: protocol for a mixed methods study sampled from school and community settings. Global Health Action (in press).
- Shepherd, S, Spivak, B, Borschmann, R, Kinner, SA, Hachtel, H, Ogloff, JRP. (2020). Crystalline methamphetamine (ice) use among young people in detention: A forensic concern or a public health issue? PLoS ONE (in press).
- Willoughby, M, Borschmann, R, Spittal, M, Tibble, H, Kinner, SA. (2020). Women released from prison need support to stay safe from violence. The Conversation, https://theconversation.com/women-released-from-prison-are-at-much-greater-risk-of-violence-133151.
- Jaen-Varas, D, Mari, J, Diniz, E, Borschmann, R, Gadelha, A, Asevedo, E, Ziebold, C. (2019). A 10-year retrospective ecological study of the methods of suicide used by Brazilian adolescents. Reports in Public Health (in press).
- James, S, et al. (2020). Estimating global injuries mortality and morbidity: methods and data used in the Global Burden of Disease 2017 Study. BMJ Injury Prevention, (in press).
- Kinner, SA, Hughes, N, Borschmann, R, Southalan, L, Clasby, B, Janca, E, Willoughby, M, Williams, H. (2019). The health of children deprived of liberty: A neglected human rights issue. The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health (in press).
- Kinner, SA, Borschmann, R. (2019). Dual-harm, complex needs, and the challenges of multi-sectoral service coordination (Comment). The Lancet Public Health, 4(5), e210-e211.
- Leckning, B, Borschmann, R, Guthridge, S, Bradley, P, Silburn, S, Robinson, G. (2019). Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal emergency department presentations involving suicide-related behaviours: Characteristics and discharge arrangements. Crisis, https://doi.org/10.1027/0227-5910/a000675.
- McLeod, KE, Butler, A, Young, JT, Southalan, L, Borschmann, R, Sturup-Toft, S, Dirkzwager, A, Dolan, K, Acheampong, LK, Topp, SM, Martin, RE, Kinner, SA. (2019). Global Prison Healthcare Governance and Health Equity: A Call for Evidence. American Journal of Public Health (in press).
- Keen, C, Young, JT, Borschmann, R, Kinner, SA. (2019). Non-fatal drug overdose after release from prison: a prospective data linkage study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence (in press).
- Willoughby, M, Spittal, MJ, Borschmann, R, Tibble, H, Kinner, SA. (2019). Violence-related deaths among adults released from prison in Queensland, Australia: a data linkage study. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, DOI: 10.1177/0886260520905546.
- James, S, et al. (2019). The burden of injury along the development spectrum: associations between the Socio-demographic Index and disability-adjusted life year estimates from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. BMJ Injury Prevention, (in press).
- Spry E, Olsson, CA, Hearps, SJC, Aarsman S, Carlin JB, Howard LM, Moreno-Betancur M, Romaniuk H, Doyle LW, Brown S, Borschmann R, Always Y, Coffey C, Patton GC. (2019). The Victorian Intergenerational Health Cohort Study (VIHCS): Study design of a preconception cohort from parent adolescence to offspring childhood. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, (in press).
- Williamson, V, Borschmann, R, Zimmerman, C, Howard, LM, Stanley, N, Oram, S. (2019). Responding to the health needs of trafficked people: a qualitative study of professionals in England and Scotland. Health and Social Care in the Community, (in press).
- Young, JT, Borschmann, R, Preen, DB, Spittal, MJ, Brophy, L, Wang, EA, Heffernan, E, Kinner, SA. (2019). Age-specific incidence of injury-related hospital contact after release from prison: a prospective data-linkage study. Injury Prevention (in press).
- Naghavi, M, et al. (2019). Global, regional, and national burden of suicide mortality 1990 to 2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. BMJ, 364:l94 | doi: 10.1136/bmj.l94.
- Spittal, MJ, Forsyth, S, Borschmann, R, Young, JT, Kinner, SA. (2019). Modifiable risk factors for external cause mortality after release from prison: a nested case-control study. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 28(2), 224-233.
- Najman, JM, Plotnikova, M, Horwood, LJ, Silins, E, Fergusson, D, Patton, GC, Olsson, C, Hutchinson, DM, Degenhardt, L, Tait, R, Youssef, G, Borschmann, R, Coffey, C, Toumbourou, JW, Mattick, RP. (2019). Does adolescent heavier alcohol use predict young adult aggression and delinquency? Parallel analyses from four Australasian cohort studies. Aggressive Behavior (in press).
- Young, JT, Heffernan, E, Borschmann, R, Ogloff, JRP, Spittal, MJ, Kouyoumdjian, FG, Preen, DB, Butler, A, Brophy, L, Crilly, J, Kinner, SA. (2018). Dual diagnosis and injury in adults recently released from prison: a prospective cohort study. The Lancet Public Health, 3(5), e237-e248.
- Kinner, SA, Borschmann, R. (2018). Parental supply and alcohol-related harm in adolescents: Emerging but incomplete evidence (Comment). The Lancet Public Health, 3(2), e53-e54.
- Shepherd, S, Spivak, B, Borschmann, R, Kinner, SA, Hachtel, H. (2018). Correlates of self-harm and suicide attempts in justice-involved young people. PLoS One, e0193172. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0193172.
- Giallo, R, Pilkington, P, Borschmann, R, Seymour, M, Dunning, M, Brown, S. (2018). The prevalence and correlates of self-harm ideation trajectories in Australian women from pregnancy to 4 years postpartum. Journal of Affective Disorders, 229, 152-158.
- Thapaliya, S, Upadhyaya, K, Borschmann, R, Patnaik, P. (2018). Mindfulness based interventions for depression and anxiety in Asian populations: A systematic review. Journal of the Psychiatrists’ Association of Nepal, 7(1), 10-23.
- Naghavi, M, et al. (2018). Global mortality from firearms, 1990-2016. JAMA, 8, 320(8), 792-814.
- Roth, GA, et al. (2018). Global, regional, and national age-sex-specific mortality for 282 causes of death in 195 countries and territories, 1980–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. The Lancet, 392, 1736-88.
- Stanaway, JD, et al. (2019). Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 84 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks for 195 countries and territories, 1990–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. The Lancet, 393, 10167: 132.
- Jaen-Varas, D, Mari, JJ, Asevedo, E, Diniz, E, Borschmann, R, Ziebold, C, Gadelha, A. (2019). The association between adolescent suicide rates and socioeconomic indicators in Brazil: a 10-year retrospective ecological study. Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria (in press).
- Silins, E, Horwood, LJ, Najman, JM, Patton, GC, Toumbourou, JW, Olsson, C, Hutchinson, DM, Degenhardt, L, Fergusson, D, Becker, D, Boden, J, Borschmann, R, Plotnikova, M, Youssef, G, Tait, RJ, Clare, P, Hall, WD, Mattick, RP. (2018). Adverse adult consequences of alcohol use patterns in adolescence: An integrative analysis of data to age 30 years from four Australasian cohorts. Addiction, https://doi.org/10.1111/add.14263.
- Tibble, H, Law, S, Spittal, MJ, Karmel, R, Borschmann, R, Hail-Jares, K, Thomas, LA, Kinner, SA. (2018). The importance of including aliases in data linkage with vulnerable populations. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 18, 76, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12874-018-0536-4.
- Patton, G, & Borschmann, R. (2017). Responding to the adolescent in distress (Comment). The Lancet, 389 (www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/lancet/PIIS0140-6736(17)31331-4.pdf).
- Kinner, S, Borschmann, R. (2017). Inequality and intergenerational transmission of complex adversity (Comment). The Lancet Public Health, 2(8), e342-343.
- Spry, E, Giallo, R, Moreno-Betancur, M, MacDonald, J, Becker, D, Borschmann, R, Brown, S, Olsson, C, Patton, G. (2017). Preconception predictors of expectant fathers’ mental health: findings from a 20-year cohort study from adolescence. BJPsych Open (in press).
- Chitsabesan, P, Bryan, K, Borschmann, R, Hughes, N. (2017). Language impairment and comorbid vulnerabilities among young people in custody. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 58(10), 1106-1113.
- Kouyoumdjian, FG, Andreev, E, Borschmann, R, Kinner, SA, McConnon. (2017). Do people who experience incarceration age more quickly? Exploratory analyses using retrospective cohort data on mortality from Ontario, Canada. PLoS One, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0175837.
- Henderson, C, Farrelly, S, Flach, C, Borschmann, R, Birchwood, M, Marshall, M, Thornicroft, G, Waheed, W, Szmukler, S. (2017). Informed, advance treatment refusals by people with severe mental illness: demand, content and correlates. BMC Psychiatry, 17, 376, DOI 10.1186/s12888-017-1542-5.
- Mokdad, AH, et al. (2017). Intentional injuries in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, 1990–2015: findings from the Global Burden of Disease 2015 study. International Journal of Public Health, 63(Suppl. 1), 39-46.
- Mokdad, AH, et al. (2017). The burden of mental disorders in the Eastern Mediterranean region, 1990–2015: findings from the Global Burden of Disease 2015 study. International Journal of Public Health, 63(Suppl. 1), 25-37.
- Khalil, I, et al. (2017). Maternal mortality and morbidity burden in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: findings from the Global Burden of Disease 2015 study. (2017). International Journal of Public Health, DOI 10.1007/s00038-017-1004-3.
- Charara, R, et al. (2017). The burden of mental disorders in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, 1990-2013. PLoS One, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0169575.
- Davies, AJ, Borschmann, R, Kelly, SP, Ramsey, J, Ferris, J, Winstock, AR. (2016). The prevalence of visual symptoms in poppers users: a global survey. BMJ Open Ophthalmology, http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjophth-2016-000015.
- Hudson, C, Spry, E, Borschmann, R, Becker, D, Moran, PA, Olsson, C, Coffey, C, Romaniuk, H, Bayer, JK, Patton, GC. (2017). Preconception personality disorder and antenatal maternal mental health: a population-based cohort study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 209, 169-176.
- Stanley, N, Oram, S, Jakobowitz, S, Westwood, J, Borschmann, R, Zimmerman, C, Howard, LM. (2016). The health needs and healthcare experiences of young people trafficked into the UK. Child Abuse and Neglect, 59, 100-110.
- Barley, E, Borschmann, R, Walters, P, & Tylee, A. (2016). Interventions to encourage uptake of cancer screening for people with severe mental illness (Review). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 9. Art. No.: CD009641. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009641.pub3.
- Vos, T, et al. (2016). Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 310 acute and chronic diseases and injuries, 1990-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. The Lancet, 388: 1545–602.
- Kassebaum, NJ, et al. (2016). Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for 315 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 195 countries and territories, 1990-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors (GBD) 2015 Study. The Lancet, 388: 1603–58.
- Wang H, et al. (2016). Global, regional, and national life expectancy, all-cause and cause-specific mortality for 249 causes of death, 1980-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease study 2015. The Lancet, 388: 1459–544.
- Forouzanfar, MH, et al. (2016). Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 79 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks, 1990–2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. The Lancet, 388: 1659–724.
- Moran, P, Romaniuk, H, Coffey, C, Chanen, A, Degenhardt, L, Borschmann, R, Patton, G. (2016). The influence of personality disorder on the future mental health and social adjustment of young adults: a population-based cohort study. The Lancet Psychiatry, 3, 636-645.
- Degenhardt L, Coffey C, Hearps S, Kinner S, Borschmann R, Moran P, Patton G. (2015). Associations between psychotic symptoms and substance use in young offenders. Drug & Alcohol Review, 34 (6); 673-682
- Silins, E, Fergusson, DM, Patton, GC, Horwood, LJ, Olsson, CA, Hutchinson, DM, Degenhardt, L, Tait, RJ, Borschmann, R, Coffey, C, Toumbourou, JW, Najman, JM, Mattick, RP. (2015). Adolescent substance use and educational attainment: An integrated analysis comparing cannabis and alcohol from three Australasian cohorts. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 156, 90-6.
- Betton, V, Borschmann, R, Docherty, M, Coleman, S, Brown, M, Henderson, C. (2015). The role of social media in reducing stigma and discrimination (editorial). British Journal of Psychiatry, 206, 443-444 (doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.114.152835).
- Henderson, RC, Farrelly, S, Moran, P, Borschmann, R, Thornicroft, G, Birchwood, M. (2015). Joint crisis planning in mental health care: the challenge of implementation in randomised trials and in routine care. World Psychiatry, 14(3), 281-283.
- Trevillion, K, Williamson, E, Thandi, G, Borschmann, R, Oram, S, Howard, L. (2015). A systematic review of mental disorders and perpetration of domestic violence among military populations. Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology, 50(9), 1329-46.
- Morley, KI, Lynskey, MT, Moran, P, Borschmann, R, Winstock, AR. (2015). Polysubstance use, mental health, and high-risk behaviours: Results from the 2012 Global Drug Survey. Drug and Alcohol Review (doi: 10.1111/dar.12263).
- Winstock, A, Lynskey, M, Borschmann, R, Waldron, J. (2014). Risk of emergency medical treatment following consumption of cannabis or synthetic cannabinoids in a large global sample. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 29(6), 698–703.
- Khalifeh, H, Johnson, J, Howard, L.M, Borschmann, R, Osborn, D, Dean, K, Hart, C, Hogg, J, Moran, P. (2014). Violent and non-violent crime against adults with severe mental illness. British Journal of Psychiatry (doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.114.147843).
- Trevillion, K, Hughes, B, Feder, G, Borschmann, R, Oram, S, Howard, L. (2014). Disclosure of domestic violence in mental health settings: A qualitative meta-synthesis. International Review of Psychiatry, 26(4), 430-444.
- Lawn, W, Borschmann, R, Cottrell, A, Winstock, A. (2014). Methoxetamine: prevalence of use in the USA and UK and associated urinary problems. Journal of Substance Use, doi: 10.3109/14659891.2014.966345.
- Khalifeh, H, Moran, P, Borschmann, R, Dean, K, Hart, C, Hogg, J, Osborn, D, Johnson, S, Howard, L.M. (2014). Domestic and sexual violence against patients with severe mental illness. Psychological Medicine, doi: 10.1017/S0033291714001962.
- Moran, P, Coffey, C, Romaniuk, H, Degenhardt, L, Borschmann, R, Patton, G. (2014). Substance abuse in adulthood following adolescent self-harm: a population-based cohort study. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, doi: 10.1111/acps.12306.
- Chambers, M, Gallagher, A, Borschmann, R, Gillard, S, Turner, K, Kantaris, X. (2014). The experiences of detained mental health service users: issues of dignity in care. BMC Medical Ethics, 15:50.
- Winstock, A, Borschmann, R, Bell, J. (2014). The non-medical use of tramadol in the UK: findings from a large community sample. International Journal of Clinical Practice, doi: 10.1111/ijcp.12429.
- Barley, E, Borschmann, R, Walters, P, & Tylee, A. (2012). Interventions to encourage uptake of cancer screening for people with severe mental illness (Review). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 7. Art.No. CD009641. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009641.pub2.
- Patterson, P, Borschmann, R, & Waller, D. (2012). Considering referral to art therapy: responses to referral and experiences of participants in a randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Art Therapy: Formerly Inscape, doi:10.1080/17454832.2012. 738425.
- Moran, P., Coffey, C., Romaniuk, H., Olsson, C., Borschmann, R., Carlin, J.B., & Patton, G.C. (2011). The natural history of self-harm during adolescence and young adulthood: population-based cohort study. The Lancet, 379(9812), 236-243.
- Gillard, S, Borschmann, R, Turner, K, Goodrich-Purnell, N., Lovell, K, Chambers, M. (2011). Producing different analytical narratives, coproducing integrated analytical narrative: a qualitative study of UK detained mental health patient experience involving service user researchers. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 15(3), 239-254.
- Gillard, S, Chambers, M, Borschmann, R, Turner, K, Lovell, K, Goodrich-Purnell, N. (2010). ‘What difference does it make?’ Finding evidence of the impact of service user researchers on research into the experiences of detained psychiatric patients. Health Expectations, 13(2), 185-194.
- Moran, P., Borschmann, R., Flach, C., Barrett, B., Byford, S., Hogg, J., Leese, M., Sutherby, K.M., Henderson, C., Rose, D., Slade, M., Szmukler, G., & Thornicroft, G. (2010). The effectiveness of joint crisis plans for people with borderline personality disorder: protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial. Trials, 11, 18.
Other publications in peer-reviewed journals
- Winstock, A., Bell, J., Borschmann, R. (2013). Friends, doctors and tramadol: we might have a problem (letter). BMJ, 347:f5599 doi: 10.1136/bmj.f5599.
- Winstock, A., Bell, J., Borschmann, R. (2013). RE: Opioids in the UK: what’s the problem? (rapid response). BMJ, 347:doi:10.1136/bmj.f5108
- Borschmann, R. (2013). Favorite Counseling and Therapy Techniques (2nd ed), 2011 (book review). International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 59, 623.
- Borschmann, R. (2012). Bodies Under Siege: Self-Mutilation, Nonsuicidal Self-Injury, and Body Modification in Culture and Psychiatry (3rd ed.) (book review), British Journal of Psychiatry, 200:171.
Book chapters
- Borschmann, R, & Moran, P. (2013). Recurrent self-harm. In Bhugra, D., Mahli, & Gupta, A. (eds): Troublesome Disguises: Underdiagnosed Psychiatric Disorders (2nd Ed.). Chapter 6, pp.67-84. Gaskell, London.
- Moran, P, & Borschmann, R. (2010). Outcome measures for personality disorders. In Tansella, M. & Thornicroft, G (Eds.), Mental Health Outcome Measures 3rd Ed). Chapter 15, pp.254-268. Gaskell, London: https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/mental-health-outcome-measures/outcome-measures-for-people-with-personality-disorders/20BE2E7D414B70C3F42A25719FAAA03A.
Invited articles
- Heerde, JA, Patton, GC, Young, JT, Borschmann, R, Kinner, SA. (2020). Adolescent and young adult homelessness during the COVID-19 pandemic: Reflections and opportunities for multi-sectoral responses. Parity, 33(10).
- Borschmann, R, Aggarwal, S, Patton, G. (2018). Self-harm and suicide in young people. Invited submission for the 2018 World Mental Health Day report entitled “Young people and mental health in a changing world”.
- Borschmann, R, Young, JT, Kinner, SA. (2017). Self-harm following release from prison: Patterns and measurement issues. The Global Health Network; Worldwide Prison Health Research and Engagement Network (WEPHREN); available at: https://wephren.tghn.org/community/blogs/post/60900/2017/10/self-harm-following-release-prison-patterns-and-me/.
- Moran, P, & Borschmann, R. (2015). Personality Disorders (updated). BMJ Masterclass.
- Moran, P, & Borschmann, R. (2012). Personality Disorders. BMJ Masterclass. ISBN: 978-1-905545-60-5.
- Moran, P, & Borschmann, R. (2011). Self-harm. Pulse Today (Psychiatry in Primary Care), May 18, 24-27; available at: https://www.pulsetoday.co.uk/news/uncategorised/psychiatry-in-primary-care-self-harm-1-cpd-hour/.
- Chambers, M, Borschmann, R, Turner, K, Lovell, K, Goodrich-Purnell, N, & Gillard, S. (2008). Service user involvement in mental health research: practical and ethical considerations. Applied Research in Health and Social Sciences: Interface and Interaction, 2(5), 17-22.
Reports & position papers
- Borschmann R, Carter A, Butler A, Southalan L, Willloughby M, Janca E, Kinner SA. (2020). Interventions to reduce suicidal thoughts and behaviours in people who have had contact with the criminal justice system: A rapid review. Evidence check prepared for Australia’s National Suicide Prevention Task Force and commissioned through the Suicide Prevention Research Fund, managed by Suicide Prevention Australia.
- Cullen, P, Andersen, M, Borschmann, R, Buisson, E, Gubhaju, L, Pollard-Wharton, N, Porykali, B, Thompson, K. (2019). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Youth Health: Position Paper. Australian Association for Adolescent Health Ltd. (AAAH), Australia.
- Kinner, SA, Borschmann, R, Southalan, L, Hughes, N, Willoughby, M, Clasby, B, Williams, H, Janca, E. (2019). The health of children and adolescents deprived of liberty: A rapid global review. Submission to the United Nations Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty. UN, Geneva, Switzerland.
- Opie, T, Carr, G, Hendriks, J, Kang, M, Borschmann, R, Zen, M, Franks, S, Marino, J, Allen, D. (2018). Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Schools: Position Paper. Australian Association for Adolescent Health Ltd. (AAAH), Australia.
- Young, JT, van Dooren, K, Borschmann, R, Kinner, SA. (2017). ACT Detainee Health and Wellbeing Survey 2016: Summary results. ACT Government, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia.
- Abas, M, Bick, D, Boyle, A, Borschmann, R, Broadbent, M, Dewey, M, Domoney, J, Dimitrova, S, French, R, Gerada, C, Hemmings, S, Howard, L, Jacobowitz, S, Khondoker, M, Oram, S, Ottisova, L, Ross, C, Stanley, N, Westwood, J, Zimmerman, C. (2015). Provider Responses, Treatment and Care for Trafficked People (PROTECT): Final report for the UK Department of Health Policy Research Programme. Department of Health, London, UK.
- Tollit, M, McDonald, M, Borschmann, R, Bennett, K, von Sabler, M, Patton, P. (2015). A review of the epidemiological evidence relating to resilience and young people. VicHealth.
- Tylee, A, Barley, E, Walters, P, Achilla, E, Borschmann, R, Leese, L, McCrone, P, Palacios, J, Smith, A, van Marwijk, H, Williams, P, Mann A. (2014). UPBEAT-UK: A programme of research into the relationship between coronary heart disease and depression in primary care patients. Programme Grants for Applied Research, 4(8).
- Pettitt, B, Greenhead, S, Khalifeh, H, Drennan, V, Hart, T, Hogg, J, Borschmann, R, Mamo, E, Moran, P. (2013). At risk, yet dismissed: the criminal victimisation of people with mental health problems. London: Victim Support.
Policy submissions
- Kinner SA, Anoshiravani A, Azzopardi P, Borschmann R, Patton GC, Sawyer S, Snow K, Southalan L. (2020). Vulnerable populations during COVID-19 response (Euro region): Children and adolescents in Youth Detention Facilities. World Health Organization Fact Sheet.
- Young JT, Snow K, Southalan L, Borschmann R, Kinner SA. (2019). The role of incarceration in addressing inequalities for people with mental illness in Australia. Submission to the Australian Productivity Commission’s Issues Paper on The Social and Economic Benefits of Improving Mental Health.
- Kinner, SA, Borschmann, R, Willoughby, Hughes, N, Southalan, L., Clasby, B, Williams, H, Janca, E. (2019). The health of children and adolescents deprived of liberty: A rapid global review. Submission to the United Nations Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty.
- Snow, KJ, Young, JT, Borschmann, RD, Southalan, L, Sawyer, SM, Kinner, SA. (2020). Submission to the Council of Attorneys-General (COAG) Age of Criminal Responsibility Working Group review.
- Southalan, L, Kinner, SA, Borschmann, R. (2019). Submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child regarding draft General Comment No. 24 on children’s rights in juvenile justice.
- Southalan L, Carter A, Kinner S, Meurk C, Heffernan E, Waterson E, Borschmann R, Young JT. Mapping the forensic mental health policy ecosystem in Australia: A national audit of strategies, policies and plans. (2020). A report for the National Mental Health Commission.
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