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Eating Disorders

Issues we work with: Eating Disorders

What are Eating Disorders?

Food and eating typically involve a range of complex emotions that go well beyond the physiology of sustenance and nutrition.

For many people, the relationship with food is fraught with such feelings as: pleasure, excitement, comfort, greed, guilt, discipline and deprivation. Eating is considered disordered when it manifests in a harmful attitude towards food that then leads to extreme eating habits and behaviour.


Disordered eating behaviours can be reflected in patterns of overeating and undereating, as well as in maladaptive emotions and reactions that may be associated with eating.

The most commonly known eating disorders are Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia, and Binge Eating.

Obsessions about food and about weight and body image; extreme control of food and diet; extreme exercise; binge eating and purging are among the common factors that determine the presence of an eating disorder.

A person suffering from an eating disorder may find it difficult to seek help.but may respond the encouragement and support of trusted others who recognise there may be struggle.

At Nexus we have experienced, specialisedpsychologists who can help to provide a safe environment for addressing the sensitivities that surround eating disorders anf for effective counselling and treatment.

Psychologist specialising in Eating Disorders

Counselling Psychotherapist | Teacher & Educator
Clinical Psychologist